Arduino Kit - Mechatronics


Arduino kits are one of the popular tools for robotics technological work. People are choosing Arduino kits over other similar alternatives like Teensy 4.1, Launchpad MSP430, SparkFun Thigs Plus, Esp8266 DevKitC, BBC Micro: bit V2, Adafruit Feather Huzzah, BeagleBoard PocketBeagle, STM32F3 Discovery, etc.

This post help you to understand the Arduino platform, understand its relevance in robotics, and explore the top five Arduino kits available for those eager to use in projects related to robotics.

Understanding the Arduino Platform and Its Relevance for Robotics:

Before we move into the details of kits, let us understand what the Arduino platform offers to robotics enthusiasts. It is an open-source electronics platform that provides a user-friendly environment for building and programming electronic projects. Arduino kit offers a microcontroller board, a software development environment, and a supportive community. Arduino’s versatility, affordability, and ease of use make it an ideal choice for building robots.

How Arduino Kits Can Help Robotics Enthusiasts:

These kits are specially curated bundles that provide all the necessary components, including the Arduino board, sensors, actuators, and other electronic parts, to get started with robotics projects. These kits simplify the process for beginners and even offer exciting challenges for more experienced enthusiasts. Kits come with detailed instructions and sample projects, enabling users to gain hands-on experience in building and programming robots.

Factors to Consider Before Picking an Arduino Kit:

Following factors one should consider before choosing any Arduino kit: 

  1. Skill Level and Experience:

Assessing your skill level is crucial in choosing the right kit. These kits are helpful to beginners, and offer step-by-step instructions, while others offer more to advanced users, allowing them customization and experimentation.

  1. Budget:

The cost of Arduino kits can vary significantly. Finalize your budget and find a kit that offers good value for money while meeting your requirements.

  1. Robot type:

Consider the type of robot you want to build. Some kits specialize in specific robot configurations, such as robotic arms, vehicles, or humanoid robots. Choose a kit that fulfills your project goals.

The Top 5 Arduino Kits:

Now, let’s explore the top five Arduino kits that are highly recommended for robotics enthusiasts:

1. Elegoo Arduino Kit Mega2560 UNO Nano

Most complete starter Arduino Kit with more than 200 components available in it. It also includes a UNO R3 controller board and USB cable. All the modules are facilitated with soldered and ready to be wired. The wireless type is infrared technology.


2. SunFounder Arduino Kit Mega 2560 UNO 

This Arduino Kit offers the same UNO R3 controller board with a USB hardware interface. The wireless type is infrared technology.


3. Roinco Multipurpose Starter Kit for Arduino IDE

3 in 1 learning kit of Arduino helps users to learn from Basic – intermediate – Advanced in 3 stages. Wires are pre-soldered.  One can use a servo motor, relay, and LCD 16X2 in the intermediate stage.


4. ELEGOO Upgraded 37 in 1 Sensor Modules Kit

New useful modules like GY-52, LCD1602 screen, DS1307 real-time clock module, and accelerometer module are added to the basic version. It is completely compatible with Arduino official IDE, STM32, and Raspberry Pi. It comes with a Temperature and Humidity sensor, Triaxial acceleration triaxial gyroscope sensor, and PIR Motion Sensor. The wireless type is Bluetooth technology.

5. Adeept 5-DOF Robot Arm Kit 5Axis Robotic Compatible with Arduino IDE

Totally developed for robot lovers. It comes with a 5 Degree of Freedom (DOF) robotic arm kit. This kit is totally compatible with Arduino IDE.

The Adeept Arduino Robot Kit is a comprehensive kit suitable for intermediate and advanced users. It includes an Arduino-compatible board, a motor shield, a range of sensors, and structural components. One can create projects on a robotic arms, Bluetooth-controlled robots, and voice-controlled robots.

Frequently Asked Questions on Arduino Kits:

1. How does Arduino Kit work?
– It is a package of parts/components that include an Arduino board, sensors, and other electronic parts that allow the users to build and program their projects. Arduino kits are typically available with instructions and sample projects to guide users in learning and experimenting with electronics and robotics.

2. Can I build a robot with just an Arduino board?
– While an Arduino board is a crucial component for building a robot, additional components such as sensors, motors, and actuators are usually required to create a complete robot. Arduino boards provide the control and programming capabilities necessary for robotics projects.

3. How do I choose the right kit for my skill level?
– Consider your skill level and previous experience. Beginner-friendly kits provide step-by-step instructions and basic projects, while intermediate and advanced kits offer more flexibility and room for customization. Choose a kit that aligns with your current skill level and challenges you to grow.

4. Can I customize the projects that come with the kits?
– Yes, many Arduino kits allow for customization. While kits often provide sample projects and instructions, Arduino’s open-source nature allows users to modify and expand upon these projects. This flexibility encourages creativity and innovation in building unique robotic creations.

5. Is there a limit to what I can build with an Arduino kit?
– The possibilities with Arduino kits are vast. While the specific projects and functionalities may vary depending on the kit, Arduino’s versatility enables the creation of a wide range of robots, from simple obstacle-avoiding robots to complex robotic arms. Your imagination and expertise are the primary factors determining the limits of what you can build.


Arduino kits provide an excellent entry point for robotics enthusiasts, allowing them to build and program their own robots or related projects. In this blog post, we explored the Arduino platform’s relevance in robotics, discussed factors to consider when choosing an Arduino kit, and reviewed the top five kits available in the market. Remember to assess your skill level, budget, and project goals before making a selection. With the right Arduino kit in hand, you’ll be well on your way to embarking on exciting robotic adventures.

Resources and Recommended Reading on Arduino Kits:

To further enhance your knowledge and skills in robotics with Arduino, consider exploring the following resources:

Additional Resources:

1. Arduino Official Website – The official website of Arduino provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and a supportive community forum

2. Arduino Project Hub – A platform where Arduino users share their projects, providing a wealth of inspiration and step-by-step instructions

3. Adafruit Learning System – Adafruit offers a wide range of tutorials and guides on electronics and Arduino projects

Recommended Books:

1. “Arduino Robotics” by John-David Warren, Josh Adams, and Harald Molle: This book explores the basics of robotics with Arduino and guides readers through the process of building various robotic projects.

2. “Arduino Robotics Projects” by Richard Grimmett: This book provides a collection of hands-on projects with detailed explanations, helping readers apply their Arduino skills to create functional robots.

3. “Practical Arduino: Cool Projects for Open Source Hardware” by Jonathan Oxer and Hugh Blemings: Although not solely focused on robotics, this book offers a variety of practical projects that can be adapted for robotic applications.

Blogs and Websites:
1. Arduino Blog: The official blog of Arduino shares news, project showcases, and updates on the Arduino ecosystem

2. Make: Makezine’s Arduino section provides tutorials, project ideas, and resources for Arduino enthusiasts:

3. Robotics Universe: A blog dedicated to robotics, covering various topics including Arduino-based projects and tutorials:

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there is a vast amount of resources available online and in print. Exploring these resources will provide you with a solid foundation and help you embark on exciting robotics projects with Arduino.

Happy tinkering and enjoy your journey into the fascinating world of robotics!


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