Interview Tips

These are the tips that can be helpful to clear the GSPC personal interview for lecturer and assistant professor

  • Have confidence in your answer while you are asked to speak about yourself. This is normally the very first question asked by the chairman of the interview “Tell me about yourself”. Make answer ready in advance. Speak your full name, age, qualification with college and university, current job.
  • Now when you are asked about your job, give positive aspects of the job.
  • Why do you want to do a teaching job? Why not a current job? Do not say I am not enjoying the current job but say, “I love teaching and this changes the lives of people. I want to impact the lives of many by teaching jobs. This job is a respectful job”
  • Always ready with two or three favorite subjects.
  • Prepare the DEMO lecture that will be most probably asked to deliver.
  • SAY “NO” IF YOU ARE NOT VERY SURE ABOUT QUESTION’S ANSWER. IF YOU GIVE the WRONG ANSWER THEY WILL TRAP YOU AND ULTIMATELY TIME AND YOUR REPUTATION WILL BE WASTED. Just say ‘No’ and pass the question. The new question might be familiar to you. This will have an impact of honesty on the interviewer.
  • DO NOT ARGUE. DO not hurt them by saying I AM right even though they are wrong. They just make sure about your character.

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